. 歡迎使用「健康及檢疫資訊申報」, welcome to use health & quarantine information declaration, 任何人在任何要項上提供虛假或具誤導性資料即屬犯罪。, 一經定罪,可處罰款及監禁。, it is. The accuracy of the information and personal data you fill in through this portal is your sole responsibility.
健康聲明書亂寫 蘇貞昌:不配合檢疫一定嚴辦 生活 重點新聞 中央社 CNA from www.cna.com.tw
The accuracy of the information and personal data you fill in through this portal is your sole responsibility. 健康聲明書, living 健在 age 年齡 present health condition 現在健康詳情 father 父親 mother 母親 brother(s) 兄弟 sister(s) 姊妹, deceased 去世 age of death 去世年齡 cause of death 死因. 歡迎使用「健康及檢疫資訊申報」, welcome to use health & quarantine information declaration, 任何人在任何要項上提供虛假或具誤導性資料即屬犯罪。, 一經定罪,可處罰款及監禁。, it is.
歡迎使用「健康及檢疫資訊申報」, Welcome To Use Health & Quarantine Information Declaration, 任何人在任何要項上提供虛假或具誤導性資料即屬犯罪。, 一經定罪,可處罰款及監禁。, It Is.
The accuracy of the information and personal data you fill in through this portal is your sole responsibility. 旅客健康聲明書 passenger health declaration form 為維護您及機上每一位人員的安全與健康,每位乘客均應於航班報到時,提交此份健康聲明書予 長榮/立榮航空存查。未滿12歲之孩童,應. 健康聲明書, living 健在 age 年齡 present health condition 現在健康詳情 father 父親 mother 母親 brother(s) 兄弟 sister(s) 姊妹, deceased 去世 age of death 去世年齡 cause of death 死因.
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